LSO5906 - Advanced Topics in Soil Science
LSO5912 - Advanced Topics in Soil Science II
LSO5914 - Advanced Topics in Soil Science III
LSN5887 - Chemistry of Soils with Variable Charge
LSN5810 - Fertilizers and Fertilization
LSO5925 - Fundamentals of Soil Fertility
LSN5847 - Geoscience Applied to Land Use Planning
LSN5903 - Modeling Soil Organic Matter Dynamics
LSO5907 - Pedagogic Preparation to Soil Teaching
LSO5881 - Physico-Chemistry Applied to Soil Science
LSN5830 - Remote Sensing Applied to Soils and Survey
LSO5920 - Master Dissertation Proposals on Soil Science
LSO5922 - PhD Thesis Proposals on Soil Science
LSO5908 - Scientific Communication Techniques in Soils and Plant Nutrition
LSO5845 - Soil Genesis and Morphology
LSN5805 - Soil Microbiology and Biotechnology